As we discussed, goals are vital in developing clarity for your direction and next steps personally and for your team. Writing down your goals will be a power boost to your clarity and will help you sort out goals from fantasy. Anything that can’t be written and captured on paper is less reality and more dream. You are far more likely to accomplish anything you have committed to paper than what is simply rolling around in your head.When you put your goals down in concrete form, review them daily. I find reading my goals aloud cements them in my mind and consciousness, and I tend to naturally evaluate my actions by them. It doesn’t happen overnight, but a regular practice of goal review will help your daily life line up with your hopes and dreams. You could put your goals on your phone or device, or in your life-planner/calendar for easy and routine examination. John Maxwell used to put everything important on individual index cards he carried in his pocket.If you have a hard time getting started with your goals, remember that anything is better than nothing. Any target is more likely to be hit than no target. Your list doesn’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t even need to be seen by anyone but you. Just get started. You could even start with your “bucket list”, and then develop goals that will get you to those desires. Remember right now—no one is asking you to change the world this week. We’re just saying, “Get some goals. Go where you go on purpose.”Make sure your goals are not just warm and fuzzy statements. To say “I will be more productive at work” is a warm fuzzy. It makes you feel better, but it doesn’t do anything, and it won’t be easy to decide when you have accomplished it. Your goals need to be SMART:
Specific—you are very clear about what action will be taken
Measurable—you know “how much”
Achievable—with hard work they can be accomplished
Rewarding—they will yield good results
Time-oriented—they have a time stamp for accomplishment
So that goal about work productivity would be more like these several goals:“Beginning April 1, I will increase my productivity at work by arriving 10 minutes before my official start time to get everything ready to go. I will not answer emails before 10a.m., and will answer for no more than 30 minutes. I will take my last ½ hour before leaving to check email again. I will not be on social media during the work day except on my lunch hour.”Clear written goals help you stay focused. You know for sure when you are on track, and when you are not. The more specific you are, the faster you will achieve your results, because written goals almost always lead to less procrastination and more action. It is far easier to be motivated when I know I will be accomplishing something.Goals are so important. “Direction, not intention, determines your destination.” Andy StanleyClarity is actually a decision. Decide to become clear and certain and you will get started.