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Share What You Know

I am who I am and know what I know because generous people have mentored me and graciously, generously shared their knowledge with me. Because of that, sharing my knowledge and giving power to others has become a core value for me. I thrive on being open and giving away what I know. Making every effort to contribute to others in a way that adds to them makes me happy and fulfilled. Life is about the relationships we have and the contributions we make. Knowledge sharing is a great way to do both.There are many reasons why I love to share knowledge.I feel good when I help others. Sometimes I hear from a person that they appreciate what I have shared, and sometimes I don’t. I don’t do it to be appreciated. It makes me feel good when I share, whether I hear anything about it or not. But, when someone lets me know that what I shared helped them, I really am fulfilled. Then, when they pick up the habit and share with other people, and the sharing of knowledge and power ripples on out, my good feeling goes to a whole new level.It more deeply engrains and expands the knowledge in me. Whenever I teach another person, I become more knowledgeable and confident myself. Nothing helps me retain my knowledge more and deepen it than sharing it. As I share and keep my mind open, my knowledge has a great chance to increase as I hear from others. I have learned so much in the process of sharing with others.I am getting much-needed knowledge out, which helps our organizational and team goals. The more of us who know what is going on, the better the team gets. Sharing knowledge in an appropriate way is one of the most unselfish things we can do. It shares the power.I have stronger connections and relationships where I have shared. We all feel nurtured and cared about when someone takes the time to kindly share advice and information. Not too many people take the time to do it unofficially, unless it is a part of the job, so when we do, it creates an uncommon bond.My opportunities and network have grown. Before, when I was only occasionally sharing tips and knowledge with those close to me, my opportunities and network were fairly small. But since I started proactively sharing what I know, I get more and more opportunities, and my network keeps getting bigger. It develops your personal brand. People know what I am about now. They even remind ME—they quote me to me.It increases my value to the things and people that are most important. When your expertise helps the entire team, you become a more valuable part of it. This is not arrogance. Sharing your wisdom with the people around you is not an exercise in ego. It’s about serving and helping. It’s giving, not gloating.I never know when I share what a difference my insight might make. Sometimes the knowledge you provide may be totally ignored or overlooked. But sometimes it will be exactly what the doctor ordered. It will make the needed difference. That’s what I live for.You are to be a conduit for the knowledge you have. There’s no shortage of people who need what you have to offer. It will grow you and them, and will fulfill you. How can you do it.

  • Become a Mentor. Your mentee’s questions and perspectives will give you more insight than you can imagine, and will be a growing relationship to benefit mutually.

  • Write. Consider writing an article for your company’s newsletter, or even for a local paper or business publication. Start a blog! Nothing is more empowering than putting your thoughts out there for the world to see. The Internet world is huge—you may get more connections than you dream possible.

  • Train Others. Offer yourself as a trainer or a teacher for your organization, church, or team. If you don’t talk down to the audience, you can draw from the wisdom of others in the room. It will help you become a better public speaker. Speaking and writing always boosts your credibility if you are well-prepared.

  • Share Resources. When you run across something great that helps you, share it. You often run into things that would be beneficial to others. You don’t have to wait for a training session or a request for help. Instead, simply shoot off an email with something like, “Hey guys, I found this article really helpful. Thought you might enjoy it too." Your effort can positively influence someone’s life. It’s worth it.

Knowledge is a wonderful privilege and responsibility. Don’t make people beg for your help or insight. Volunteer it. If you have something to contribute, say it. Step up. Just remember to let everyone else share their knowledge too.



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